Atlas Pool FAQ
1. Installation:
Atlas pools can be installed completely above ground, semi-inground or completely inground
2. Saltwater:
Atlas is saltwater friendly and compatible with most high quality salt systems.
3. Pool Liner Options:
Atlas pool uses a beaded liner for all installations. An overlap liner does not work. You can use any beaded or uni-bead pool liner with the same dimensions.
4. Wall Design Print:
There is only one wall pattern and color available for the Atlas pool.
5. Swimming Pool Wall Height:
The pool wall is 52 inches tall and there are no other heights available.
6. Available Pool Sizes:
The pool comes in the following sizes: Rectangles 9×13, 9×17, 9×21, 9×25, 9×29, 13×17, 13×21, 13×25, 13×29, 13×33, 17×25, 17×29. 17×33, 17×38, 17×42, 21×29, 21×33, 21×38, 21×42, 21×46
7. Approved For InGround Installation:
Optimum’s new Atlas pool has full engineers stamped drawings.
8. Available Accessories:
Optimum’s new Atlas pool is not offered with optional gates, fencing, inground light panel or factory engineered decking
9. Atlas Available Pool Kits:
Fully In-ground (coping adaptor clips for use with deck/CP2/paver coping)
Includes in-ground skimmer plates for use when the whole pool will be fully in-ground or be fully surrounded by a deck. Above ground skimmer plate kit available part#77169
Fully In-Ground with Step Adaptor Kit (includes provisions for a polymer step)
Includes in-ground skimmer plates for use with fully in-ground pool installations. Polymer step installations must be fully in-ground.
Hybrid (includes both above-ground coping and in-ground coping adaptor kit) This kit is for installations where the pool will be a combination of FULLY in-ground and above ground, for example –into a hillside.
10. Panel:
The Atlas pool is constructed from an aluminum and EPS foam composite structure.
The pool wall has an insulating value of R15.
The aluminum is a 5052 marine grade alloy suitable for a swimming pool application.
The Expanded Polystyrene foam core is treated with an insecticide so bugs do not burrow into the wall to make nest. This foam is also a closed-cell design that does not absorb any notable amount of water and safe to be buried in-ground.
The super durable adhesive system used to manufacture the panel is “green” and does not emit harmful vapors or toxins (VOC’s). The adhesive is supported by LEED-Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design -Adhesive is stronger than the industry standard and safe for the environment.
The panels are locked together with sliding aluminum splines, a lot of R&D has been completed to ensure easy installation and a superior strength joint.
11. Coping:
The standard above ground coping is a 2” wide PVC coping designed with a built in beaded liner track and winter cover track. Top cap clips are used at each panel joint. The clips must be removed to install the available winter cover.
The 2” standard coping is attached with 6 included self-tapping screws per section evenly spaced on the outside of the pool only. Do NOT overtighten these screws. Use a drill until the screw catches into the Optimum pool wall, then finish by hand.
A 4” premium PVC coping will be available by May, this coping hides the self-tapping screw heads that attach the coping to the pool and is more aesthetically pleasing.
The Optimum pool can also be installed with deck coping as well as in-ground CP2 coping or paver stone coping. An adaptor kit is included in the fully in-ground kit to utilize this coping. A foam strip is also included which is placed on the underside of the CP2 or Paver coping to prevent backfill from falling behind the pool liner.
12. Concrete:
The concrete used in all Optimum Atlas pool must be free of any soluble chlorides, this includes calcium chloride. This material is known to have some minimal adverse effects when in contact with bare aluminum which the Optimum Atlas pool is constructed from.
All oval pools, even when installed completely above the ground, require a concrete footing on the straight side of the pool that is 11-5/8” deep x 33” wide x the length of the straight side as specified in the installation instructions.
A concrete collar is additionally required on both round and oval pools on any part of the pool that is greater than 24” in-ground. This concrete collar is 8” deep x 12” wide.
The included rebar must be used once the pool requires a concrete collar. There are holes in the anchor plates and straight side channels to insert the rebar into as listed in the manufacturers’ instructions.
13. Oval, Straps and Deep Ends:
Spacing on the straight side uprights is 4 feet.
The Atlas features a brace system which spans between the side uprights to resists any possible bowing on the straight side panels.
The Optimum pool requires straps until the whole pool is 30” or more in-ground.
When the oval pool is installed greater than 30” in-ground without straps, a deep end may be dug in accordance with slope and depth safety rules.
14. Return Fitting/Lights:
Additional return fitting kits may be purchased. Regular return fittings do not work with the thick Optimum pool wall.
Return fitting holes may be drilled into the wall where needed with a 3” hole saw.
Only some LED lights work in the 2” thick return fitting. See your local distributor for details on which ones will work with the pool. SaviLED lights are an approved fit.
15. Steps:
The Optimum Atlas pool can be installed with 2 different types of steps.
A built in 52″ thermoplastic step may be installed only if the pool is fully in-ground.
Pools ordered with the in-ground step adaptor provision include two special wall panels that are specific to each pool size as well as aluminum extrusions to allow the 8’ long polymer step to be installed on the Optimum Atlas pool.
8’ Straight step can be used for all inground pool installations
Both the radius and the straight step are available in either Trimline (Bullnose) or Cantilever.
16. Anchor Plates:
The Optimum Atlas pool is installed using patio blocks underneath each wall panel joint.
The supplied rebar must be installed through the outside hole in the anchor plate once a concrete collar is required. The patio blocks must be split to allow the rebar to be inserted halfway through this hole.
The holes drilled into the bottom of the wall panels must be done on site once the pool panels are all in place. The bolts should be tightened by hand until the panels are secured–do not over-tighten.
17. Sand Cove:
The Optimum Atlas pool is installed like a “regular” above ground pool with a 2” sand base and a 4” to 6” cove where the wall meets the floor of the pool. The pool can be installed with a sand vermiculite base.
18. Backfill:
Backfill the Optimum Atlas pool as it is filling with water. Do not backfill higher than the water level as the pool is being filled, this may cause the pool to shift slightly. Use hand tamps to compress the backfill. Do not use compacting machinery on the backfill. Backfill by hand around delicate items such as lighting and plumbing equipment.
Backfill can go directly against the pool wall. Recommended backfill is crushed stone or gravel 3/8” to 3/4” in diameter. Do not use expansive soil such as clay.
Slope the ground around the pool wall to redirect rain water away from the pool.
19. Bonding:
Bonding the Optimum pool can be achieved by attaching anywhere on the wall or extrusions with a stainless steel self-tapping screw or a stainless steel bolt on the anchor plates. Stainless steel is required to minimize the effects of any possible galvanic action.
20. Warranty:
The Optimum Atlas pool features an exclusive lifetime care package with full winter damage protection.